Why Believers Should Watch ‘His Dark Materials’ With Their Kids

Series: His Dark Materials

Network to Watch: HBO

Based On: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman

Similar Movies: The Golden Compass, The Chronicles of Narnia

Genre: Adventure Fantasy

Topic: The Likeness of daemons to the Spirit Man Within

Family Discussion: Although His Dark Materials is filled with Greek mythology, magic, animal spirits, and witches, it’s a great series to help children understand how real the intangible Holy Spirit is within us. Through seeing each child with their daemon, your child will begin to get an idea and understanding of what’s going on within themselves as well. Here’s a few talking points to start you off.

In the series, everyone wanted a lion as their daemon just as so many Christians want to be strong in the Spirit, yet are not committing to the actions that grow the Spirit man within. This leaves a great time to teach them how our bodies are the temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), and how we must create an environment in ourselves where the Spirit wants to live/dwell and grow.

The series also showcased many individuals experiencing their daemon being separated from them. These individuals became very weak and unable to move or think. They were left as basically zombies who were merely following the crowd with no real sense of purpose or zest for life. They no longer had any hope or idea of true “living.” This is a great time to talk about how we’re left when we quench the Holy Spirit. When His Spirit is weak within us, it is comparable to a small rat daemon, where you can only hear tiny squeaking noises or no voice at all which makes it difficult to understand what the Spirit is saying to us. Sadly, many believers have quenched God’s Spirit within and are to the point of being unable to hear or understand what or where the Spirit is leading us. This is where you discuss how to feed the Holy Spirit the word of God and righteous living so we wont be left weak with no idea of how to truly live. God doesn’t want us weak and miserable. Ephesians 6:10 says be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. John 10: 10 says I have come that they may have life and life more abundantly. Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Make it Fun: Ask your child, which animal’s size do they feel their spirit is right now and which animal size they desire to mature into?

Happy Sabbath,
