The Process of Becoming

We all have a sense or idea of who we want to become even if it’s simply the knowledge of who it is we don’t want to become. For years, I had a sense of a girl and a place, but no solid map as to how to become her or get to that place in my life. In many ways, I’m still seeking and becoming “her”. The woman I want to become changes with growth. It won’t be the same as when I first started out because I’ve become “her” and now becoming another. Becoming is a lifelong process of silently submerging and emerging as a higher self. It’s living and dying to parts of ourselves that no longer serve us; attitudes, processes, characteristics, or any mental or personality transformations that takes us to a higher version of ourselves. You don’t just “become” overnight. If you have envisioned who you want to become, but are finding it difficult, then you’re in the right place. Here are a few keys to help guide you in your journey to becoming.

Feed Your Mind Images. Before you can become, you must tell yourself the plans. You must feed it examples. This is a great time to find a model of the role you’re emerging into hence role model. Feed yourself images and reminders. This is a great time to start an inspiration or mood board or sign up to Pinterest where you can create online boards full of images and quotes that usher in a new and improved you.

The Power in our Tongue. Rather spiritual or not, there is power in our words. You can help summon your envisioned self into becoming with the power of speaking. Speak those things that be not as thought they were. Speak yourself into becoming; tell yourself who you’re going to become. Proverbs 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue. As I said earlier, both living and dying are a part of the process of becoming so your process of becoming (living and dying) is in the power of the your words (the tongue).

Patience. Understand “becoming” is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. It takes patience, planning, and seizing moments. Remember:

Becoming is a lifelong process of silently submerging and emerging as our higher self. It’s living and dying to parts of ourselves that no longer serve us; attitudes, processes, characteristics, or any mental or personality transformations that takes us to a higher version of ourselves.

– Karen

The Proper Environment. Begin to create an environment your envisioned self can live and grow in. Your old self and who you’re becoming cannot live in the same environment. The improved version of yourself will live in an improved environment. Make your old self so uncomfortable until it has no problem packing its bags. Get rid of the old places your old self hung out. If it lived in certain thoughts, then kill those thoughts with positivity. Was it in certain places? Limit exposure to those places.

Remove the Stumbling Blocks. My road to becoming involved overcoming depression which is no easy feat. It took writing down my plan to mental freedom and seizing the right time to merely put the plan into action. A large part of my healing from depression was prayer and exercise. I had to make myself get up and go running. On my runs, I had to face thoughts running in my head. I had to speak with those thoughts and tell them what my Father in Heaven had to say about it. In order to become your envisioned self, you must acknowledge and face the stumbling blocks in your way. Where can you go when there’s something blocking your path. You must remove the block, be it depression, addiction, or whatever it is, remove it.

Don’t Look Back. Never let yourself get back in the slump or old environment. It hinders progress. It hinders who or what you’re becoming. Refer back to your mood boards or plans when you feel yourself going backwards. Continue to create that welcoming environment. Whatever you do, do not look back.

I hope you have obtained a few keys to help you in your own journey of becoming. I pray each reader taps into their envisioned self and not only live there, but thrive there!

Until next time

~ Karen