Spiritual Warfare 2021

As we enter year two of the Covid-19 pandemic, the release of vaccines are beginning to offer a glimmer of hope of normalcy and the possibility of a Covid-free nation. However, as restrictions begin to ease and the world slowly opens itself once again, we as believers must continue to stay on high alert for our Spiritual enemy. The enemy of our souls still prowls around like a roaring lion seeking those he may destroy (1 Peter 5:8). Resembling a physical enemy, our Spiritual enemy doesn’t fight fair and takes advantage during weak times and right now is still very much a weak time for us even as a nation. Here are the areas we must begin prayerfully examining and improving as to not be defeated in our spiritual lives.

  1. Mental Health – So many are quietly (and loudly- through social media) battling severe boredom and depression. Depression creeps in such a subtle way that you may not recognize it. A few symptoms are feeling hopeless, worthless, and having a loss of interests and even an appetite in some cases. Besides depression, the enemy is bringing up of old memories of those of our loved ones who have hurt us in the past. These memories are seemingly coming up from nowhere causing anger and lashing out which also resembles another symptom of depression; a short temper and irritation. Please know that those past memories coming up have an agenda to cripple you and take you hostage. You must take control of your thoughts. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the destruction of strongholds. Our Godly weapons break down any (real or false) imagination,memory, or thought, any spiritual wall or hardening in our heart, or anything that keeps us from finding the peace, love, and joy found in the Most High!
  2. Relationships- Although many families are having more time together, the enemy has still found a way into our homes and is wreaking havoc causing marriages and potential marriages to be injured and in some cases destroyed. The anger described above from past memories is causing you to distance youself from loved ones leading to greater loneliness. Moreover, there’s a lying and cheating spirit in full force. Now, more than ever you must be ready to deal with temptation as it comes your way. Have a plan to thwart temptation. Pray and ask for guidance. Humble yourselves one to another. Be honest about your temptations. Don’t be secretive and don’t lie. It will only make things worse. Be honest about the place you’re in, if you’re weak, tell your partner you’re having a tough time dealing with temptation. Your partner can be in prayer with and for you. Sin hates light or being “outed”or exposed/known. Sin dwells in secrecy and darkness/unknown. Satan lies and makes things appear much more difficult than they actually are. Remove all pride, remove yourself from the temptations standing in your way including deleting social media. Proverbs 5 and 6 says don’t even go in the direction of someone tempting you and don’t give them the time or day to tempt you with their sweet words and flattery because in the end is instability, hell, and death. Ask forgiveness and fight for your relationship!
    • Singles make sure you aren’t playing the field too hard. Moreover, with so many online platforms to meet people, its easy to get caught up in relationships and/or text messaging relationships that will only exist online. Online relationships can sometimes leave one longing which leads one to create multiple online relationships hoping to fulfill the void. After getting to know a person through talking and/or messaging AND deciding this person may be a good match, put on your masks, get out and meet. Make sure to quarantine yourselves for a week in advance and social distance once you meet up.
  3. Physical Health- The things affecting our physical health is laziness; not exercising or working ( Ye shall work six days- regardless if home chores, praying for others, or physical labor, find yourselves doing some type of work. We must not become lazy. Our mental health also affects our physical health. Rid yourselves of greed, idleness, vanity, and laziness. Get out and exercise daily or at least three times a week. Turn off television shows that are making you lust after vanity. Vanity is synonymous with pointlessness or purposelessness. Don’t just do stuff for the heck of it, have purpose in all that you do and an end goal. Laughter is good, but a lot of Tiktok videos and videos online serve no purpose to your life other than being a distraction to your true purpose and taking your mind off those things you need to fix in your present life. Have mental check ups with your spouse and all kids/family weekly at a minimum.

-Karen C