Sabbath Lesson: Rebuilding True Intimacy

Intimacy is the state of being intimate. The definition of intimate is being of a very personal or private nature or belonging to or characterizing one’s deepest nature.

Completely naked and unashamed, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), are a prime example of intimacy not only with God, but also between two people. Adam and Eve walked amongst each other in the garden in their most authentic sense of mind, body, and soul. Their form, character, mood, tendencies, and inclinations were completely exposed for the other to see. Their whole person was on full display with nothing hidden from God or one another; this is Adam and Eve in their most intimate state.

However, after just one encounter alone with Satan; the one who steals, kills and destroys, Eve was led to no longer walk in obedience to God, but instead to make a decision based off her own personal/selfish ambitions. Once sin entered Adam and Eve’s body, it instantly affected their relationship with one another. They no longer desired to be in this bare all/ intimate relationship, but instead sought to hide different parts of themselves. After only one encounter with an ungodly outsider, their eyes became opened, but it was to the point of seeing their splendid intimacy as not in their best interest as if in a negative light (Luke 11:34). As a result, the bible states they made garments of fig leaves to cover themselves. Here’s where I want you to think back on your own relationships especially concerning your marriage. When were you most intimate with your spouse? Now think back to the point where you started wanting privacy from each other. When did you or your partner begin hiding and leaving out details? Or when did things start to become too personal for you to discuss with each other? If I can take a guess, it can almost always be tracked back to a temptation within you or your spouse and then an encounter with Satan who eggs on those evil desires. James 1: 14-15 states each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then after desire has been brought forth, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. You may didn’t eat of the tree of knowledge as Eve did, but somewhere along, you ate or participated in a “fruit” Satan offered which you knew you shouldn’t have eaten, but still did it anyway. Now, sin is having the same effect on your relationship as it did with Adam and Eve. Intimacy is being depleted to the degree where once there was openness, now the relationship seems closed off, once there was no code needed, now a password is being required; and that goes for your phone, laptop, email, and social accounts too. These outward actions are so much like the outward clothing Adam and Eve made for themselves AFTER they sinned. These actions are mere reactions to sin that has already taken place in our inward parts; the heart (Matthew 5:28).

Besides Adam and Eve’s sin affecting their own relationship, it also affected how they related to God. Despite already wearing garments of fig, Adam and Eve still felt the need to cover themselves even more from God. When God called for them, they hid themselves amongst the trees in the garden so God couldn’t see even their partially exposed body. Yes, this was the same God who created them, had seen them unformed, knew them, and breathed in him the breadth of life, yet they could not even be seen naked in his presence. How sad! So often we don’t want God or our significant-other to see our sin and imperfections, but if your spouse/partner/loved one is still there, it’s because they’ve seen and accepted you. God wants you to know, he too sees and knows you yet still loves you which is why he sends correction. He wants you to take notice and acknowledge the difference sin is making in your life and relationships, especially concerning intimacy. Look at how sin is preventing you from being totally naked and unafraid with your own spouse. It is also hindering your blessings; Malachi 2 states God is the witness between husband and wife and certain actions can hinder favor and leave our prayers unattended.

Although Adam and Eve were banished from the garden of Eden as one punishment for their sin, God still had mercy on them. Today, chose to face the damage, the lies, and the heartbreak of your actions. No longer run or hide when we sin but confess our sins one to another and pray for one another that you and your relationship will be healed (James 5:16). The Spirit says submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world. Be miserable and grieve and weep [over your sin]. Let your [foolish] laughter be turned to mourning and your [reckless] joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up (James 4:7-10). Get rid of all the sin; the secrets, the lies, the passwords, attitudes, side pieces, secret accounts/lines, and/or whatever else God is pricking in your heart as you read this. Find out where you’re allowing temptation to enter your life because it leads to sin and sin leads to death (death of intimacy, trust, union, and/or worse). Without a deep connection, we become impersonal, distant, cold, fake, lonely, suppressed, etc. With all these lessons lately, it seems God is trying to get us to a point in our spiritual lives, will you take heed? James 4: 4 says God jealously or passionately longs to see the Spirit he allowed to live within us; that’s the spirit that is obedient to him and that’s the spirit that will allow you to experience true intimacy and communion with him and one another.

Happy Sabbath!
