Mental Visual of Karen 2022

I feel myself going to another level this year. On this new level, I will be unstoppable which makes the old me a little afraid of these potential new changes. I truly dont know who this new Karen will be; where she’ll go, and what she’ll do and that also somewhat scares me as well. However, I do picture myself walking into greatness which definitely helps quiet the fears. I envision me being free from other people and their opinions and assessments of me. Free from all the restraints and restrictions I’ve put on myself in order to somehow fit into a mold which was never designed for me because it was just way too small. In 2022, I see myself kicking down my confined walls and thriving which I’m very excited about because honestly, I was an emotional wreck in 2021.

What about you? Which direction do you see yourself moving towards this year? What type of person do you think you’ll be concerning the growth in your personality and character?