Make Women Great Again!

I believe there is an urgent call of duty to women around the world. It is time for us to stand and become proactive once again in our original purpose as helper to man. So many of our spouses/partners, sons, and even households are under attack and in great need of “the woman” to clock in. It is not a time to shy away from duty as a helper simply because you’re dealing with your own personal problems or pains from the past in your marriage/relationship. Push those feelings aside and look not only at the present, but also to the future and what could become of your marriage/relationship/family if you don’t act now. This call is for the prayer warrior within the woman to report to duty in response to spiritual warfare on the woman’s existence, her family unit, purpose, her community, and society at large.

Just as Satan did in the Garden of Eden, he has once again deceived and beguiled the woman and used her to bring about a broken society ruled by carnality; fleshly desires and selfish ambition, lust ( very strong sexual desires), and savagery which includes jealousy, unkindness, and hatred. The adjective for savagery is savage which is defined as “fierce, violent, and uncontrolled; primitive and uncivilized. In 2008, the popular American singer; Beyoncé, released an album titled I am…Sasha Fierce. Fierce, which is the cornerstone of savage, means having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. In 2016, Rihanna published “Needed Me” that repeatedly proposed the question; “didn’t they tell you I was a savage?” In 2020, American rapper; Megan Thee Stallion, released a song titled “Savage”. It quickly went viral with women everywhere proclaiming, I’m a savage. Beyonce or Sasha Fierce quickly joined Megan in a remix of “Savage” causing more popularity, going viral with TikTokers dancing to it in challenges, Youtubers covering it, and millions of listeners singing along and hearing it on the radio multiple times throughout the day as it was number 1 on the US billboard and highly praised receiving multiple awards. While this song alone isn’t responsible for ushering in the complete change of mentality and behavior in women, it did seemingly give women that permission to acknowledge, be proud of, and increase in their savagery. They became increasingly ratchet, sassy, moody, nasty; exactly as the song proclaims.

However, women were already transforming many years before “Savage.” In October 2009, Beyonce released a song titled; “If I were a Boy” which describes the things she’d do if instead she was the man in the relationship. In 2012, the movie, Think like a Man, was released which was based off Steve Harvey’s 2009 book; Act like a Lady, Think like a Man, which was quickly swept off shelves to women believing they could actually think like a man without becoming. There’s a proverb that says, “For as a man thinketh, so is he” meaning you can’t think like a thing without becoming it. You can’t think like a man without spiritually becoming. Satan knew this and used twisted truths or deception (to cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage for the deceiver) just as he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden and attempted but failed to do Jesus in the wilderness. You cannot think like a savage without becoming. Yet, Satan has managed to beguile women (charm or enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way) using the beautiful talented Beyonce and Rihanna in order to make savagery look more appealing and even desired by millions of women.

The animals used in the bible to describe Satan are the snake and the lion which both quietly sit back in the bushes, watching and following their prey; patiently waiting for the perfect time to attack. Satan goes a little further than this. He actually sets platforms and traps in order to weaken and capture his prey more easily. As you can see from the demonstrations above, he discreetly sets his agenda in motion in intervals using multiple platforms from songs, books, to even movies, yet they are all on the same theme which in this case is women thinking like our counterpart; the male and acting like a savage- the beast. And now our spiritual enemy is attacking men but using the pretty faces of so called “women” and what better time to attack than after a pandemic.

Fast forward to Summer of 2021, a year after women have been jamming to “Savage” while quarantined due to the pandemic and it is now that you’ll begin to notice Satan’s plan already in full force; his attack on women to later weaken man. As you’re out and about, you’ll notice the dress code for women has drastically changed. Sadly, it was already pretty bad with the skin-tight, shape-hugging leggings to now a mere bra and panties under labels such as athleisure. Just the other day, while in the store, a woman shopping with her child had on a crop top and panties. At the grocery store, a group of women had on a 2-piece thong bikinis casually walking around. My neighbor had on nothing but a bra and panties while in the driveway playing with her dog. A visit to the mall had a full display of women in bras but no shirts and these are not beach or water park areas. No longer is it, “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” This is woman’s new dress code. This code is setting an environment for Satan’s attack on man; to present him with very strong sexual desires (lust) which will ultimately take a huge toll on the family unit, using his same tools from the beginning; using the woman to disjoin the family and herself from her original purpose to man. Half dressed women have gotten so much attention online during quarantine until now they are craving the likes and looks offline in the public arena.

Many of you may say, “Oh, that’s nothing. Women can wear what they want to wear” which is true, but this new dress code is an intentional tool in Satan’s kingdom of darkness. Lust is preparing the way for all sorts of evil spirits to roam free. Just last week, my husband had several women come into his office at different times offering him all-expense paid trips to anywhere out of the country he wanted to go. He had other women ask to become his side piece/ mistress with no strings attached (no intention of an actual relationship and/or seemingly nothing required of him). My husband declined and told these women that he is indeed married, all of which admitted they saw the ring, yet did not care. This aggressiveness (fierce) nature kind of shocked my husband. He saw the body of women but was getting the mentality of something else.

Evolution is a process by which the physical characteristics of types of creatures change over time with the development of new types of creatures. It is also “the gradual development of something, especially from a simple form to a more complex form.” Satan has cunningly set the stage to give birth to his own creation within the heart of God’s creation. See Genesis 1: 26 and 27. Over time, Satan has breed a being that has gone from a simple form to now something more complex. This being has the look of a woman, but the spirit and mind of a man in addition to a savage nature (animalistic or beastly (having the marks or characteristics of a beast). It’s no wonder why women no longer want to wear clothes. They are showing mere signs of a beast. Beasts don’t wear clothes. Clothes only irritate them and get in their way of roaming and wandering. Satan himself is referred to as the beast, so it’s very telling that his creation has the markings/ characteristics of their father; the beast, which when properly stated is marks of the beast.

The women in my husband’s office wanted what they wanted and when they wanted it with no regard for marriage, love, his wife as a woman, his family unit or anything that he had going on in his life. Meanwhile, at home, before most of the women came into my husband’s office, I had followed the Holy Spirit’s lead and anointed and prayed over my husband. I started reading scriptures to him and having him read scriptures on Love (1 Corinthians 13) as well as revisiting scriptures on the armour of God in Ephesians 6, making sure we understood the weapons of our warfare and how to properly use each one in battle. I honestly had no clue he would find himself in spiritual battle so soon after. I’m so glad I got outside myself and listened to the Holy Spirit’s call to duty rather than be lazy or hold it off for another day. That prayer may have been just what my husband needed to truly resist temptation when it was presented so boldly to him in his office. Some of the women that came into my husband’s office were divorced due to all of their ex-husbands committing adultery, yet here they were doing exactly what another woman had done to them. Their failed marriages made these women the perfect candidate for Satan to use because sometimes hurt people hurt people better. The world gets satisfaction from retaliating. In war, retaliation is “the action of returning a military attack or countering an attack with one of equal intensity; to fight fire with fire, to argue or fight with an opponent using his tactics or ground rules. Although, those women appeared to move on from their marriage, their hearts still want revenge someway or somehow even if not on their exes. Their dissatisfaction with their marriage’s end, their hatred, and their disrespect on love, marriage, and the family unit still resides in their heart. Of course, some will say their invitations to my husband has nothing to do with their ex cheating, but retaliation, even if it’s on an outside party, is used as a major part of the world’s toxic healing process.

Lustful dressing and lust is becoming a welcome mat for adultery. Lust seeks for adultery to become second nature to man. Adultery promotes a society and environment filled with betrayal, deception, lying, and secrets, but hold on, aren’t these the very same things that our enemy; the devil uses? The Bible warns us to put on the whole armour so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Wiles are tricks/schemes using deception, betrayal, lies etc. If Satan uses these things and women are using these very same schemes as well, it is safe to assume when you remove the pretty face, these women are agents of Satan in disguise, which means these women are on assignment and on duty by their father. In John 8: 44, Jesus told Satan’s followers, “you belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” So when Rihanna asked in her song; “didn’t they tell you I was a savage?”, that was really her father speaking through her, asking, didn’t they (remember God said in the begining, let “us” make man, that “us” is “they”) didn’t they tell you (in the Word of God) that I was the beast?

Besides mimicking God’s Kingdom, Satan’s mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants to destroy anything Godly in this world or anything with the likeness and image of God. Remember, it was male and female God created in his image. We’ve already discussed evolution and how it deals with changing the characteristics of creatures over time, but what Satan has failed to reveal to his children of darkness about his plot is that evolution is not only the process by which the physical characteristics of types of creatures change over time and new types of creatures develop, but also the process by which other creatures disappear. Did you get that? In evolution other creatures disappear from the face of the earth. Who do you think those creatures will be in this instance? Yes, the original woman that God made and who God presented to man in the garden. Satan may have women thinking they’re about to rule the world, but his only thoughts of you is eradication. Of course, to the human eye, females will still exist in body, but in spirit and mind, Satan has sought to eradicate her; her femininity which complements the masculinity of man, to remove her from the throne of grace; that secret place where she receives wisdom from above to be able to impart unto or help her husband and family, to have her not wanting to reproduce nor make godly seeds, and to destroy all that “woman” represents and presents to man. Matthew 12: 29 asks, “how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.” Satan is not stupid. He knows scripture and he knows how to get what he wants. When Satan used the woman in the garden of Eden, he knew through her, he could reach the being that God actually breathed his breath of life into; man. Rather than help our men, we are helping Satan plunder man for all that is good. He is using the savage woman as strings to assist in tying and binding man; the head of the family. He wants men so consumed with lust; very strong sexual desires, until man loses focus of God, his godly wife at home, and his family. Satan knows Genesis 2: 18 (And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him.), there was something about man being alone that God saw was not good for him which is why God made a help meet especially for him in the first place. For the man, without the God-made woman; the wife God presented to you; it is not a good situation. Proverbs 18: 22 says he who finds a wife finds a good thing AND obtains favor from the Lord. With his wife, man not only have a good thing, but he also obtains favor from the Lord. Malachi 2: 13-16 (In addition, read both the Living Bible Version and Easy-to-Read versions) says God unites the husband and his wife to the point they become one body and at one with his spirit is his sight for the purpose of you producing seeds that share the same Godly spirit as you. The wholesome union also allows your prayers to be received and blessings to flow freely to you from the Most High. Men and women, do you see how much is at stake if we don’t get it together?

You may ask why is this article aimed at women if Satan seeks to plunder men? It is us and what we offer as women including our femininity that Satan is trying to remove from existence. It is us that Satan is using to plant seeds of lust in men. It was our sex that fell prey to Satan’s tactics way back in the garden of Eden which makes us more susceptible to his deception. It is us that he keeps using and we keep participating only to be disappointed with the results for ourselves in the end. I pray women everywhere begin to put back on the whole armour of God because it’s time to report to duty and get to spiritual work in our lives, marriages, and households. The going has certainly gotten tough and it’s time for the spiritual tough to get going. We must be a help mate to our husband; keep them in prayer, anoint them and our children, go to God in prayer so He can impart knowledge and Godly wisdom on our household’s problems and situations and show us things that need to be addressed that we may not even know about. We want to be a reflection of God’s love and give attention to our spouses, so they don’t become thirsty and look for attention elsewhere. Becoming proactive in our duty as women as mentioned earlier allows you control in a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to a situation after it has happened, such as when I prayed with and for my husband; not knowing how many women would approach him the following week. Prayer and wisdom allow changes to take place, that may have not taken place without it. As I also mentioned earlier, do not be lazy or hold off, you don’t know when your husband will go to spiritual war esp. when he is not around you. You don’t know what temptations are currently being offered or will soon be offered, but I pray you and your spouse will be aware, equipped, and ready to stand firm in the faith and in your Godly union at one with God’s spirit.

Love and Peace,

~Karen C