Luxe Hospitality- Karen Predicts

Pinterest presented “Pinterest Predicts” which gives creators an advance look into Pinterest’s predictions for upcoming trends. One prediction was limitless luxe which is bringing luxury into everyday spaces like a pantry or laundry room. This year, I’m presenting my own Karen Predicts.

With Covid still here and people beyond ready to socialize, I’m predicting that entertaining and hosting small gatherings and parties at home will explode. Google searches in these areas will rise as people search for ideas and advice on entertaining and hosting.

The desire to travel is haunting us, but we’re still not ready to deal with the large crowds that increase our risk of exposure to Covid leading us to the next “Karen predicts;” overnite stays and weekend visits from family and friends will dramatically increase. With that said, I’m also predicting a major return to “Southern hospitality.” For those unfamiliar with hospitality, it is defined as kindness in welcoming or entertaining strangers or guests without reward. The deed once common among us Southerners will expand to people in the north, east, and western parts as well. We’re all lonely out here and want to show our appreciation to the arrival of good company.

With all my predicts taking place in our homes this year, we may as well get our homes prepared in advance or at least have a plan in place for overnight guests. We should plan in advance where they’ll sleep and which restroom they’ll use. Once you have those things established, half the battle is already won. You can then go to the next level with my prediction of “luxe hospitality” which is simply intentionally making your guests feel special. We’ve all been through so much these last two years so having overnight guests is your chance to lift somone’s spirit in a small way. You may think you need to do or spend extravagantly to impress your guests, but I’m going to show you simple things to do or buy to showcase luxe hospitality on any budget.

Bed & Bedding
  1. Showcase Your Biggest Asset in the Bedroom. Ok, not what you may be thinking lol, of course, I’m referring to your bed. Your bed is the biggest piece of furniture in your bedroom so make sure it is the most appealing. To achieve that, focus on:
    • Pillows– Experts suggest changing your pillows every 1-2 years, but if the drier can no longer assist in making your pillows fluffy again, I advise buying new ones regardless of how long or short you’ve had them. Pillows can be purchased for a very low cost at your local dollar store or even Walmart. To buy the large ruffle pillowcases shown above (the pillows positioned in the back), click here. Note: You will need to buy the cushion inserts.
    • Sheets– Wash all bedding. You want guest to feel comfortable stretching out and getting a good night’s rest from their drive. If you can afford it, replace faded, spotted, or piling sheets. Shabby Chic BedSpread Set.
      • If you really want to go a step further, if you have multiple sheet sets in your linen closet, choose bedding based on your guest’s personality or age group. Pictured below are bedroom 1 and 2. The bedroom to the left (Bedroom 1) was for an older couple while the one to the right (Bedroom 2) was for someone older, but young and fun at heart.
    • Decor Pillows– I suggest purchasing at least one decor pillow which can be purchased under $10 at the same stores as the pillows. The bed to the right shows how throwing on a simple decor pillow makes the bed look more appealing. Try out This Tropical leaf Pillowcase which is only $14.99. The actual pillow insert can be purchased at Walmart for less than $5. Tip: If you dont want to buy anything new, simply use a solid sheet set and place an extra pillow using a graphic pillowcase in the front of the solid pillows.
    • Quilt or blanket– Some guests prefer it cold, some prefer it hot, whichever they prefer, have a extra blanket that’s clean and ready to use, just in case.
Bed & Bedding 1
Bed & Bedding 2

  1. The Bedroom– If at all possible, besides cleaning, put away clutter to assist in a stress free stay. Disinfect the guest bedroom (if not your entire home) and leave the windows open until they arrive.
    • Add plants or showcase some of your passions such as artwork or whatever collections you may have in this room. This is your time to let guests get to know you or your style without words.
    • Add candles – I simply had lit candles for my guests and asked them to blow them out if they left the room.
Pillows and Plants
  1. The Restroom– One of my guest bathroom is a shared bathroom (Jack and Jill) with my son. When we have guests, we kindly ask him to temporarily sacrifice and use our restroom as to give our guest a little more privacy. I understand not everyone can simply give up an entire bathroom to their guests and if this is you and you have kids, just be sure that your kids understand to immediately clean up after themselves so your guests don’t have to do it for them and do random bathroom checks yourself throughout your guests’ stay to make sure everything is up to par.
    • Make sure trashcans are available esp for female guests.
    • Have hand soap or unopened bar soap available.
    • Have extra toothbrushes available (You can even buy the cheap ones that only cost $1 just to have extra ones on hand)
    • Have Disinfectant Spray & Air Freshener in the Restroom (Disinfectant can double as air freshener)
    • Below shows how adding a candle or a plant to basic space (Bathroom 2) can give it a little pop for guests.
Guest Bathroom 2
  1. Feed Your Guests– A lot of things, I already have on hand in abundance such as fruit, nuts, snacks, and individual water bottles and juices. These make great snacks for guests. I also readily have little probiotic shots which I STRONGLY encourage my guests to drink (yes, I am a Karen). It not only helps build their immune system, but also help wash down all the fast food theyve eaten on the road. As for meals, I only have 1 planned lunch or dinner and 1 planned breakfast which looks something like prepackaged waffles, turkey sausage, fruit, and yogurt (something quick and easy on me). For other meals, I love taking them to my favorite restaurant or leaving options open because you never know what they’ll crave or if they have their own plans.
Individual Beverages & Probiotic Shots

I know it sounds like a lot, but showing hospitality and even luxe hospitality is truly easy. When you really think about it, its basically just cleaning and being mindful of your guests by adding a special touch here and there or having items on hand they may have forgotten. In spring and summer, I place hydrangeas or other cute flowers in guest rooms and give guests the option to take them home. Honestly, guests love being able to try out my favorite foods and products offered to them to see if they want to start buying it for themselves later.

These few simple tips impress my guests and leave lasting impressions and great reviews lol. My last guest said I made her feel like a true princess which made me feel good because that’s what I’m always aiming for. What about you guys? Is there anything special you do or plan to do for your overnight guests?

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