Have You Tried It? (Week 2)

As I said in Monday’s post, today, I will be giving details of where you can purchase your very own hoya kerrii or sweetheart plant.

When I visited the store where I purchased the hoya kerrii and saw it just sitting there; looking as if it was waiting there just for me, I got so excited. I had been wanting to purchase one online, but never decided on a seller on Etsy and forgot all about it, but destiny had other plans lol.

Hoya Kerrii
Heart-Shaped Hoya Kerrii Sweetheart Succulent

As you can see in my car, I purchased two. Ok, ok, honestly, I purchased 3, but sadly one died in its first week. I mistakenly left my window open at night and it got pretty chilly there and I also left it beside the same sunny window during the day. Although it needs a bright sunny room, it should NOT be placed directly in front of a sunny window. My heart broke because of my own negligence. Here is a picture of what a it looked like after the damage.

Heart- Shaped Hoya Before

Too much sunlight and night cold air

So I know the suspense must be killing you, so to finally tell you where I purchased my Hoya Kerrii sweet heart plant, the store is Walmart! I know, I know, can you believe it? I couldn’t, but yes, it is true and here’s the price tag below to prove it.

Hoya Kerrii $5.96

You can see more pictures, you can click here or go to my post titled “Flower Power Week 4”

Happy Friday and happy hunting for your very own heart! To shop online rather than visit multiple stores trying to find one, you can simply click here or order this one with a “love” pot included.

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