Flower Power Mondays

FPM – What a Lovely Thing a Rose Is!

Flower Power Monday

Happy Monday! It’s now October and although we’re still enjoying sunny weather in GA, I see the subtle changes. I’m sure I’ll be able to plant my fall bulbs for next spring around the first of November when it should be cooler.

My Weekend: This weekend, I went to a car show. I was a little hesitant to go because my husband wanted to leave so early (before the sun was even up), but I’m so glad I woke up in time because the weather was great and I had the chance to have my first experience with actually participating in a car show (we’ve always been attendees). It was so awesome seeing all the interest in the car and all the people who were inspired to take the necessary steps to financially make their dreams come true as well. It also gave me plenty of time to check out all the NICE cars in the event since participants are kindly asked not to leave until the very end to give everyone a fair chance to view all the cars.

This Week’s Inspiration: While skimming through different blogs about two weeks ago, I was greatly inspired by Tara Dillard of taradillard.blogspot. I read post after post; enjoying her knowledge and beliefs on different subjects mostly landscaping, but what truly piqued my interest was her repetitive reference of Tara Turf. For those just as curious as I was about Tara turf, here is an explanation in her own words:

“Tara Turf, is local, and native, across the globe in myriad variations.  Tara Turf is the mix of flora/fauna evolved before the dinosaurs.  Jesus walked on Tara Turf.  Tara Turf evolved with its unique soil permutations.  The same soil, where each of us receives our serotonin and dopamine, via our gut microbiome, filtering itself using a direct path to our brain, giving us our moods, outlook, personality, health. We are made of stardust, and Tara Turf. TARA TURF, used in this way, more accurately named, Guilds. Guilds are a mix of plantings; tallish grasses/flowers blooming at the same time as your Orchard Trees/fruit trees increasing pollination.  Why does it matter?  Guilds, TARA TURF, increase crop yields by 80%. It’s all about pollinators.”

I’ve plucked so many “weeds” such as clover, dandelions, and whatever else the wind blows in my garden that I’ve never really considered, “hey, maybe they’re beneficial or that maybe it’s nature’s way of growing what it wants and/or needs in my garden for it to truly thrive;” how special it is when you think of it in another light. Tara turf involves 50%- 75% less mowing, zero fertilizer, zero chemicals, and zero irrigation, using rain only.

A week ago, I came across the Instagram page of Robin Jones / HoneyGirlGrows. Her instagram is so informative especially on her efforts to save Monarch Butterflies. It was the final motivation for me to not only commit to dedicating a portion of my yard to “Tara Turf,” (or will it then be called Karen’s turf???) but also to doing my part in my garden to helping the now endangered Monarch. I am so excited and doing lots of research to be ready come spring.

Now for the flower of the day, today’s flower to give you power are pictures of fresh roses cut from my garden and placed in a vase and put on a wooden table tray I had in my room. You may be asking why my roses or any of my flowers are so special or important? There’s a quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry that states “it is the time that you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” Perhaps that is true, but also look at them, aren’t they full of beauty too and worth sharing? To be honest, I wasn’t sure which ones to share because they all came out so good so I’m sharing them all. Pictures were taken days apart and at different times of the day giving them different lighting and even opening up in some pictures as well! I’m really big on roses that give off different tones from the center to outer petals and as you can see, these do just that! They’re a real delight! Enjoy!

~Karen C