Flower Power Week 8

Today’s flower power has an interesting story. About a month ago, I bought an indoor plant (yes, I purchased yet another plant) and decided to place it in the backyard for a few days until I decided rather to give it to my son or just keep it for myself (LOL). About 3 days later, I decide to finally bring it in the house, I retrieve it from my garden shelf and bring it in the house, but as I get to the front of my house, I just so happened to look down at my plant and I instantly started screaming. My husband yells, “what’s wrong?” from another room. I continue to stand there in shock and screaming. I didn’t realize the entire time,I was carrying a frog sitting in the pot along with the plant. So we’re (me and the frog) are just standing in my living room looking at each other (with one of us screaming of course). My room is near the front door, so after I come to grips, I open it and sit the plant outside. Afterwards, me and my husband had a good chuckle over it especially since last year a frog jumped on my face and then into my hair. It too hitched a ride into my house. It then jumped out of my hair which is when I really screamed and jumped all over the house bc of course I didnt know it and two; I found out the wetness I felt and wiped off my face two minutes earlier wasn’t just a droplet of rain from nowhere , it was indeed a frog. I looked for that frog for two hours and could not find it. I would not find it for another month when it was dried up dead. Anyway, after sitting the plant on my front door bench and going back in the house, I checked back outside to see if the frog was gone only to find the frog was still there and must’ve really liked this green pot and plant and that’s when I thought to grab my camera. Enjoy!

Hidden Froggy
Frog Peeping Head up
Purple Flower and Frog (eyes open)
Frog Turned around
Sitting Up (eyes closed)
Frog Lifting Up
Hi, my cute little froggy that scared me half to death!