Are You Truly Single?

Spiritual Read

Today, with the Holy Spirit prompting me, I have a message for the single women on their spiritual “marital” status. This isn’t a new message given to me, I’ve discussed this back in 2018 (via Sabbath Lessons Pinterest board) on a lesson titled “Freaky Friday” where I spoke on the role reversals of the single and married women. It discussed the married women performing duties that the word of God, spoken through Paul, said was designed for the single women and how the single women are focused more on the things of the world which are for the married women to be focused on in order to please her husband.

What is being single? Single means unmarried. Single means one. The American Heritage Dictionary defines single as not accompanied by another or others; solitary. It is also defined as consisting of one part. Unfortunately, many of you, even though you’re unmarried, do not spiritually fit the description of being single. You’re accompanied by another and some of you are accompanied by many. John Chapter 4 of the Holy Bible describes a woman at the well who is the perfect example of being spiritually married. Jesus (Greek name) met a woman at a well and asked her to go and get her husband and come back. I can imagine her laughing because in her mind she was single by the world’s definition. She answered and told Jesus, “I have no husband.” Jesus said, “you are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is you’ve had five “husbands,” and the man you now have is not (even) your “husband.”” This woman was not actually considered single because she was accompanied by others.

“Accompanied” is defined as having companions or an escort (raises eyebrow). Before you go thinking you’re not guilty of having an escort because you’re not using an escort service, let me break down what an escort actually is. An escort is defined as a man (yes, it actually says man) who is the companion of a woman especially on a social occasion. This is getting deep, right? I now see why God has my heart breaking and in mourning for the singles. You all are participating in secret things and relationships that God is displeased with which He’s now calling out. The men you’re using to “keep you company” or accompanying you for “social” purposes are merely escorts. I want to say unpaid escorts, but your payment has been your time, your missed opportunity with a guy that will actually put a ring on it, and in many cases, your payment has been your body. I want to stop there on the subject of payments, but I’m seeing in the spirit that your payments are so much higher than what you’re actually getting from these men. Your payment has also been unnecessary stress, worry, regret, and so much more. You’re getting cheated or rather cheating yourself. My soul is crying out for you as I type this. The things I see and feel in the Spirit right now that single women are facing is too much; I feel turmoil and a deep, deep heartache in my spirit.

You think calling and texting your own personal “escort” when you’re lonely is harmless. You think using men for dates when you’re bored is helping you, but even on the date, you’re still bored. So what are these men actually solving for you? Nothing. They’re distractions. These escorts are traps. They’re trapping you in a life of repetition that you don’t like and don’t even want. Bypassing loneliness and boredom until you find the one is theft. Ok, maybe that’s a little too strong, perhaps, cheating??? How so? You’re attempting to escape/cheat the single life. It can be theft because you’re trying to steal a peek of a married life you don’t yet have. Regardless of what we call it, the only thing these so called male friends/ escorts are doing for you is causing God not to see you as single. Why should God answer your prayers of blessing you with a husband when you’re always accompanied by someone. Single is NOT being accompanied by another or others. This can also include your same sex friends but only if you’re using them to bypass the single life until you get married.

Now let’s move on to the second definition of escort. An escort is also one or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect, or show honor. The Holy Spirit is showing me many of you are using men for appearances. You don’t want it to look like you’re truly single. You don’t want people whispering about you or the amount of time you’ve been single. Well, the joke is on you because spiritually it’s preventing you from marriage. The temporary honor or “bragging rights” these escorts bring is not honor from God. Your female friends and family will praise you for finally having someone, but it will be short-lived. Moreover, the protection these men offer from your singleness is only for a moment, and where are they guiding you exactly? Look around you, if you have escorts, the place you’re spiritually and emotionally in is where they’ve guided you. If you don’t like the place you’re in, you better let them go. Stop paying these high prices. They are not worth it!

Please know all these things are keeping your presence from being known to your future husband. How can your future husband find you when you’re hidden from his sight because you’re always absent from the presence of God when your future husband is praying and asking God to reveal you to him. Imagine your future husband’s prayers left unanswered because you’re no where to be found because you’re too busy being accompanied by an escort. Escorts only give temporary pleasures and in the end you will feel even more lonely and trapped which in turn will keep you in a cycle of having escort after escort.

Single women, please do not refuse God’s advice to you. God is unhappy. When He corrects us, it’s for our good; to get us to a place to receive what he already has prepared for us. I want to see more singles married. More importantly, God wants to see more singles married which is why he is using me and others to give you a word to direct your paths. Singles, lay down your plans, companions, escorts, and all you’re doing to pacify what you perceive as negative. The single life can be a thing of beauty when you find your role and see what you’re capable of as being single. That deep loneliness and heartache is your doing and not from God. God has so many plans for you. Plans for you to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Singles, you must truly become single and have no man accompanying you if you’re seeking to be married.

Let’s pray, “Lord, forgive me for all of my sins! Forgive me for all the companions and escorts I’ve gone through to pass time, to be temporary bandages for bigger issues going on within me, and because I don’t understand my role as a single woman. Lord, we thank you for calling me out on these things! Thank you for healing and freedom from soul ties, heart ache, loneliness, escorts and unhealthy relationships. Thank you for leading me in the paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. I pray you continue to lead me that I may be ready and present when my husband calls me through you. I pray these things in your son’s name.

May you walk back into your blessings!

Happy Sabbath,
