A Surprise For Me~ I am Loved!

About two weeks ago, I was feeling pretty low. My daughter; 18, heard about it (yeah, my husband can’t hold water) and went out and bought me a a gift to help make me feel better. The gift was filled with so many beautiful things and as if that wasn’t enough, last week after seeing I wasn’t yet fully recovered, she gave me yet another “You are loved” giftbag filled with items in my favorite color; pink. Take a look at everything she gave me.

“You are Loved” Giftbag
T-shirt & PINK Undies
Mystery box
Gold “Karen” Earrings

“Though she be but little” is one of my favorite quotes. I really don’t know how she knew that as I don’t remember sharing that with her. Also, the “Karen” earrings were such a surprise. I’ve never seen such cute earrings and I absolutely adore them.

2nd “You are Loved” Giftbag
Triple Hanging Planter, Plant labels, Cactus Notebook, Plant notepad
Large Cactus Notebook / Journal

To purchase the 1000 roses body lotion, click here. The rose water~ my daughter purchased me the one without the spray nozzle, but after using if, I found the rose water with the spray nozzle is much more convenient. The garden plant labels are here.

My husband also added Rose scented soaps to the gift bag. Rosewater Bath & shower gel and rose himalayan salt bar soap

Rose Soaps
Rose Soap Ingredients

A few days later, my daughter also gave me this shirt. Let’s just say they really put a lot of love into helping me to feel better. My daughter is such an angel along with all my kids and husband. As far as feeling down, things eased up as my cycle began which made me so happy because I was truly an emotional wreck.

Plant Based T-shirt

For more gift ideas, click here



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