20 Lessons from COVID-19 and USA Lockdowns

  1. GOD IS TRULY IN CONTROL. We say it all the time, but this time, I think we actually saw how little control we have. The spread of one virus shut down entire countries infecting millions and killing hundreds of thousands. COVID-19 interrupted the lives of millions. The only thing we could do was stay in and pray for our and our loved ones’ protection and/or healing.
  2. VALUE LIFE AND HEALTH – COVID-19 taught me to put an even higher value on life and health because we don’t know when it can decline or end.
  3. ENJOY FAMILY TIME– Although it was under such circumstances, I must admit, it was so refreshing seeing so many families and couples out and about together as a family shopping and/or exercising in the community. I saw and felt a sense of closeness and togetherness again that was seemingly lost in the hustle and bustle of things.
  4. COOK AT HOME – With the shut down of many restaurants, we were reminded to cook at home. We didn’t have to worry about the safety and handling because the preparation and cooking was performed by us.
  5. GROW YOUR OWN, IT’S BETTER! – With little left on shelves and long lines in the grocery stores, I found that its much better to grow my own than depend strictly on other sources for all of my food needs. It’s also less chemicals and far more fulfilling. (Please see the Gardening section for tips on gardening)
  6. WALMART and HOME DEPOT – I’ve always thought and jokingly told my family that I could live off Walmart and Home Depot (HD is one of my favorite stores), but the lockdowns and temporary closing of most stores, showed me it’s actually true. Honestly (and probably sadly), my shopping routine didn’t change much. The stores I mostly shop at never closed and for everything else, I was able to buy online.
  7. KNOW THE PAST. LEARN FROM THE PAST – There’s nothing new under the sun. While there’s never been a “COVID-19”. In 1918, the Spanish flu swept through the nations killing millions. Because the Fall of the same year brought about a second wave, The Spanish Flu lasted about a year. Public places were closed, quarantines put in place, and citizens were required to wear masks. The past can help teach us how to deal with the present.
  8. ONLINE PUBLIC SCHOOLING – After Covid-19, I think online public schooling should be happening on a greater scale. This is a great way for increased student, teacher, parent involvement. My kids declared they learned so much more with online classes during the closing of public school buildings. My daughter is now enrolling in a school with less physical school hours and more online time. This could save millions on public school education and help decrease the spread of unwanted germs and viruses. Of course, not many school Principals and teachers may agree because it could potentially affect their pay. With the millions saved on public education, a few thousands could go into the homes of students with no home internet to ensure all students have online access.
  9. BE PREPARED FOR AN EMERGENCY – Always be prepared for an emergency. Have an emergency fund, protection (registered gun, pepper spray, pocket knife, etc), food, water, and last but not least, as we all learned early on; tissue on hand. There’s never been anything wrong with being prepared. Perhaps, we should also add masks and hand sanitizer to our emergency kit.
  10. HOSPITALS –During COVID-19, for the first time, hospitals became a bit scary. It made individuals think long and hard about going to the hospital for minor ailments or if visits were worth the risk of possibly being near other individuals who may or may not have contacted the virus.
  11. SUN – It made me appreciate the sun and the summer (which is usually the end of flu season). The sun can be healing for the mind, body, and the soul.
  12. MASKS – COVID-19 made me realize we should have been using mask in the past to help decrease the spread of the annual seasonal flu. Every year, the flu takes the lives of hundreds of thousands. We should continue wearing mask during future flu seasons.
  13. CLOTHING – Clothes aren’t important. A closet full of tissue was worth far more than a closet full of clothing that most of us could only wear from one room of the house into another.
  14. BRANDS – Covid-19 made me realize just how faithful I am to certain brands. Although there were empty shelves and the fear of missing out if you don’t buy now, I was still hesitant to buy certain brands of food and personal items. As my teenage daughter would say, “it just don’t hit the same.”
  15. REST – Before the closings and lockdowns, I was tired. My husband was tired. My kids were tired. We were all just dragging along; waiting for another school break to finally be able to get some rest from all the comings and goings and especially the routine of school. With all the lockdowns in place, we were all finally able to just rest.
  16. Entrepreneurship – With so many companies temporarily closed or decreasing staff, fear set in for millions of people. I saw the importance of being creating a job for oneself and thinking of creative ways to make money rather than sitting by waiting for others to give you a job.
  17. STAY INFORMED – Information was crucial during the lockdowns. Although, I rarely watched the news before (covid-19), I made sure to keep track of local and global reports. Information was and is valuable during times of crisis.
  18. MONEY ISN’T EVERYTHING – With the government asking evictions, foreclosures, and utility payments to be put on hold during the initial outbreak, it allowed money worries to be temporarily put on hold. Mostly everyone’s (rich or poor) main focus was health and the health of loved ones. We briefly learned that money isn’t always everything as it couldn’t protect anyone.
  19. THE FRAILTY OF OUR PARENTS IN THEIR 60’S AND UP – Most of the precautions were for the elderly and sick. For the first time, many of us saw our strong, “I can do everything” parents at high risk. We, as the children, quickly stepped up and made sure they followed all precautions even when they didn’t want to.
  20. STORE HOURS- With the changing of store hours, it reminded me of old times when cities and towns actually shut down at reasonable times so that everyone would be home by 6 or 7pm. With society so busy, maybe it will help if nonessential stores keep these special store hours long term.

There’s so much more that I learned and I’m pretty sure many of you learned many things as well so please feel free to share them in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “20 Lessons from COVID-19 and USA Lockdowns

  1. I learned many things from covid-19. But one very important thing. Both time !and love ones are something you can’t get back once they are gone. So to all love this why they are here and value the time you spend with them. It can all be over in a flash!!!

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