10 Ways to Improve Health Without Dieting

  1. Serving Sizes – The number one way to quickly improve health without dieting is eating the recommended serving size or less. Many Americans eat 2 or 3 serving sizes in one sitting. If you recall your days in grade school or even during a hospital visit, the portions were much smaller than usual, that’s because they were the recommended serving size. Practice ordering a small fry and drink with your combo meals to replace the typical medium/large (or eat only a small portion if you’re given the full portion). This allows you to lower the number of servings from 3 or 4 to 1 or 2.
  2. Drink More Water – Our bodies are made up of over 50% water, therefore water is essential in improving health. Replace sugary drinks and even 100% juice with water. Try to drink at least 6 -8 cups (one cup = 8oz.) of water a day.
  3. Raw Fruit and Vegetables – Incorporate more raw fruit and veggies in your diet and watch your health begin to improve. These foods can act as an “garbage disposal” for our bodies by disposing the junk. A salad is a quick and easy way to include raw vegetables in your diet.
  4. Yogurt – Yogurt contains the good bacteria (probiotics) that help our bodies perform better. Yogurt also assists in weight loss. Opt for the less sugary brands but all can be beneficial.
  5. Dinner Before 7pm – Eating dinner at a decent time gives your body time to digest. Laying down right after a meal is not recommended. Get up and walk around to work off some calories.
  6. Decrease Junk Food – It may be unrealistic to say stop eating junk food altogether, for this reason, I suggest lessening the amount and establishing times for eating it. Give your body plenty of time throughout the day to work it off. Try not to eat it past 6pm or near bedtime.
  7. Nuts and Dried Fruit – Nuts, dried fruit, and even popcorn can be a healthier alternative to the common ” junk” foods.
  8. Eat Fresh– If you can, rather than buying prepackaged breads and snack cakes filled with preservatives from the shelves, choose fresh breads including cakes and cupcakes from the bakery. The ingredients are oftentimes much less than those on the shelves which are mostly filled with extra ingredients to make it last longer. The taste of foods in the deli can also be higher quality due to the freshness.
  9. Oil- Switching oils you cook or fry with can improve health. Although you may think you’re getting an array of different vegetables when you buy vegetable oil, most of it on the market is merely corn oil. Corn is already in many of the foods you eat so switching to the oil of a vegetable you don’t eat a lot of such as avocado oil and olive oil can help improve your health.
  10. Pink Himalayan Salt – Replace the usual salt with Pink Himalayan Salt. Its the pretty pink salt filling shelves everywhere. Pink Himalayan Salt is filled with over 80 trace minerals (elements you need in small amounts) which are important to your health and has low sodium. Surprisingly, I’m able to use less salt when using pink salt which helps lower overall salt intake. However, keep in mind, most Himalayan salts do not contain iodide; a necessary nutrient.